
SoilNoc® BPT is a dry tan powder able to 
pass a 50 mesh filter.

Guaranteed Concentration
100 Billion CFU/g  - Bacteria
100 Million CFU/g  - Fungi

Effective pH Range
5.0 – 10.0

Effective Temperature Range
10°C - 40°C (50°F - 104°F)


  • Stabilized bacteria & fungi spores
  • Aerobes and facultative anaerobes
  • Non-pathogenic
  • Non-engineered
  • Positive chemotaxis
  • Naturally occurring
  • Isolated from soil

Shelf Life
One year at 21°C (70°F)

Home > Products > Agriculture > SoilNoc® BPT

SoilNoc® BPT



Environmentally friendly, easy to use, effective and safe. SoilNoc® BPT is a very high concentration soil inoculant consisting of multiple bacterial and fungi species on a soluble micro nutrient substrate. These rhizosphere competent plant beneficial microbes are scientifically chosen for their ability to quickly colonize the soil / plant roots, increase resistance to fungal problems, and form a synergistic relationship. Designed for all soil types, SoilNoc® is especially effective in stressed, sandy or clay soils.


  • Improves nutrient uptake and mineralization
  • Increases fertilizer efficacy
  • Improves root growth and plant yield
  • Increases soil friability and aggregation
  • Improves plant drought tolerance
  • Reduces soil compactionIncreases water holding capacity
  • Restores microbial activity after severe droughts / floods or soil sterilization events.
  • Reduces salinityFaster cycling of organic matter into nutrients and humus
  • Stimulates indigenous soil biologyProvides broader plant resistance to pathogens


Due to its high concentration, SoilNoc® BPT is favoured by formulators and by professional operators of large farms, ranches, turf management companies, and commercial growers who demand a high performance inoculant with the added benefits of fungi. The latter group tank-mixes or dry-mixes with a fertilization / fertigation application, or mixes directly with seeds during planting, or on roots for transplants, or mixes into potting soil.

Formulators start with SoilNoc® BPT as the core microbial “ingredient” then blend in additional ingredients such as plant nutrients (including conventional and/or organic fertilizers), additional bio-stimulant nutrients, specific soil additives, or a combination of all. Other formulations include blending into pelletized fertilizer or granular formats for dry broadcast and as a compost tea / leachate additive. These formulated products are then marketed under their own labels.


Well suited to a broad range of conditions from sandy to tight clay soils. Useful in problem soils, when building up humus content and as a preventative to increase survivability. Effective in stressed, high-yield-demand environments, improved pastures, following soil sterilization between crop cycles, following a pesticide / herbicide application, mixed into potting soil, sprayed on cover crops before shredding or tilling, and as a key part of a managed soil maintenance or renovation program.

Effective on sand based greens (sports turf) in managing multiple heavy fertilization applications. Reduces leaching, increases root mass, broader resistance to pathogens, and works with your nutrient program to effectively manage turf color and shoot growth goals.

Apply through irrigation, fertigation, drip lines, mix with seeds at planting, or blend directly into dry fertilizers. Apply with boom or boomless sprayers. If mixing in water, a good rule of thumb is to only mix what you will apply in 24 hour period. Contact your representative if your application requires a longer time frame.


Simply put - soil microorganisms are directly or indirectly involved in every transformation, conversion, or processing of nutrients, storing of nutrients (reduced leaching) and provide a protective barricade ensuring a healthy environment for root activity.

Their ability to recycle nutrients, to breakdown complex structures into plant (and invertebrate) available form, to store available nitrogen and to ultimately become a food source themselves, forms the basis of their synergistic relationship with both the flora and soil fauna. (Note: Unlike some other nutrients, available nitrogen can not be stored or “locked” in soil. Available nitrogen must be immediately used by plants, stored in microorganisms, or it leaches – wasted money for the user and environmental impacts for everyone)

Plant roots release exudates forming a rich rhizosphere environment which is very attractive to microbes – attractive to both the good (beneficial) and the bad (opportunistic & pathogenic) organisms. In soils stressed by

  • environmental factors, too much or too little water;
  • long term use of conventional salt based fertilizers (osmotic shock kills microbes by dehydration);
  • frequent turning of soils through tilling and plowing (releasing sequestered carbon, loss of organic matter & topsoil through erosion);
  • the effects of pesticides, herbicides, insecticides, fungicides;

beneficial microbes are quickly displaced by non-beneficial or “opportunistic” microbes who are better adapted to survive in this stressed environment. Analogous to a compromised immune system in humans which presents an “opportunity” for pathogens to cause infection leading to a spiral of complications.

The non-beneficial microorganisms populating the stressed rhizosphere foster an environment which not only harms the plant and degrades soil tilth but attracts additional non-beneficial flora and fauna – weeds and pests. Now we need additional chemicals to treat these symptoms, which in turn make the soil more inhospitable for the beneficial microbes, and … the cycle continues in the wrong direction.

In summary, positively influencing the rhizosphere is key in maximizing economic yield and reducing environmental collateral damage. If left alone, nature will eventually balance soil biology but it takes decades or more depending on the initial condition. Time that is not commercially available between crops, between grazing cycles, or between rounds of golf.

SoilNoc® product range is a valuable asset in your agronomy toolbox for conventional and organic growers.  Both benefit from health, yield, and reduction of inputs. SoilNoc® is not meant to permanently change your indigenous biology. It is designed to give you an element of control ensuring your plants & profits have a very competitive edge – from the roots up!


Keep container tightly sealed. Product is hygroscopic. Store in a dry cool place. Protect from freezing.  Do not store product after dissolving in liquid.